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English Let's go 4 :soumen noodle floating and catching

English Let's go 4 evening had a list minute change of program and had some rain to contend with, but for those who braved the conditions it was lots of fun 😊

The Capu Capu team set up some good shelter and we tried our best to enjoy singing our happy song together outside, clapping hands and stamping feet.

But as we started to prepare soup and bamboo cups the rain got heavy so we headed inside to read the short story about the hungry caterpillar.

This time Kuro Chan and Vernon San read it in both languages!

The rain was getting lighter so we headed outside to explore the farmland and found lots of 🦗 grasshoppers.

Then we had a good game of grasshopper showers 😜 Using an umbrella to collect them in and once everyone was ready, the umbrella was turned over so they would spill and jump out all over everyone 🤣

With darker clouds coming and tummies rumbling (hungry) we got down to the sheltered area to enjoy the main event, soumen noodle floating and catching. It was the first time for Vernon to try this and he was really excited 😆

We all had fun exchanging our two cultures of New Zealand and Japan!

Before we new it the 2 hours had passed very fast and so Vernon got us together for a final fun story, birthday wishes for all those who had a birthday in June and it was time to go!

Thanks to the Capu Capu staff for their hard work and quick thinking on a typical rainy season day, we had a great experience. See you all at English let's go 5, on July the 14!



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